Konsise has three main features that rely on the integration into SARS.
- Firstly, the ability to be able to submit filings directly from Konsise into Efiling.
- Secondly, retrieving all of these values for submissions, payments, and any outstanding balances.
- Thirdly, pulling the additional correspondence issued by SARS in eFiling, including Statement of Accounts, Verifications, request for additional information, and any pins issued.
Each of these functions appears on the tax filing card. You’ll be able to manually upload your tax value, including input vat, output vat, diesel refund if it’s applicable, and upload this information directly into film.
Once the submission is complete, Konsise pull the Statement of Accounts and displays the associated values in the Revenue Services Details section, where you’ll be able to see the submission amounts, payment amount and any outstanding balance. These values are pulled across into a reporting function, which I’ll cover in a subsequent video.
In the event data verification is issued through eFiling, this will appear under your Revenue Service correspondence. You’ll be able to download it and look at the details of the request.
Konsise provides a space to manage all of these requests, which I’ll cover in a further video.
In summary, you’re able to:
- Directly submit tax filings from Konsise into eFiling,
- download your Statement of Accounts and associated values,
- as well as track any verifications issued, by SARS allowing you to stay on top of everything that’s happening between you and SARS.
Thank you for watching this video. Konsise tax management software has a number of other wonderful features which will be covered in subsequent videos.