Elevate Your Financial Management with a Corporate Income Tax Report

Confidence in your corporate income tax compliance.

Are you tired of the hassle of manually tracking your Corporate Income Tax information in Excel? Well, we’ve got great news for you! With Konsise’s Corporate Income Tax report, you can now access all the information you need in one convenient place.

This report offers a comprehensive summary of information from the ITA34C notice of assessment for all legal entities. You have the power to easily filter the report by company or year of assessment, enabling you to find the required information with ease. With a simple right click, you can export the data to Excel, giving you full control over your financial management.

Rest assured, Konsise’s integration with SARS eFiling guarantees that all the data is up-to-date and accurate. It automatically pulls in the relevant information from the ITA34C notice of assessment and attaches it to the corporate income tax card. So, in the event of a reassessment, both values are visible, including any provisional payments already made, giving you complete confidence in the accuracy of your financial records.

With the Corporate Income Tax report, you can access information related to the assessed losses, provisional payments or overpayments, and any interest applied by SARS. This report is a huge time saver, so you can focus on what matters – growing your business. Say goodbye to manual tracking and hello to Konsise’s Corporate Income Tax report!

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