Elevated Tax Payment Tracking

Stay on top of all tax obligations, no matter how many returns are involved.

Konsise offers a hassle-free solution for tracking tax payments! Whether you’re a corporate company or an accounting firm, Konsise makes it easy to keep an eye on your, or your clients, tax payments with precision and convenience. With Konsise, you can dive deep into the payment history and filter by entity, tax type, or period. This means you can effortlessly view all relevant payments for a specific period and monitor each status, whether it’s a refund or a payment due. This level of detail and control ensures you never miss a payment or deadline. 

But here’s what separates Konsise: you can simply click on any payment to instantly access the tax filing card for that specific entity, tax type, and period. You’ll get all the details, like payment date, refund status, outstanding balances, cumulative balance, correspondence, and audit verifications, all in one place. Plus, the Statement of Account is right there for easy access – you can download it with a single click.  

With Konsise, you’ll stay informed and track all submissions and payments in real time. The compliance report provides a complete history of all returns in a simple, easy-to-review table, making it a breeze to stay compliant with SARS. Now, you can effortlessly stay on top of your, or your clients, tax obligations, no matter how many returns are involved – it’s like having your streamlined tax management system!

Get a FREE 45-day trial* today. No credit card is required.

Use Konsise to streamline your regulatory teams, processes and data together in one place.

*Terms and conditions apply

Professional young female accountant smiling and looking forward to talking to clients in South Africa about Konsise tax software